Foto & text : Anita Fuglerud
All pictures and text copyright: Anita Fuglerud

mandag 5. november 2012

Gullfoss, Iceland 2012

Not far from the Geysir, lies the waterfall Gullfoss.

We come from Norway, so we are jused to waterfalls. But in Norway the waterfalls come from the top of enormous mountains........

So we drove from the Geysir trough a open flat lanscape. We came to a parkingplace, in the middle of nowhere, that said Gullfoss.
We got out of the car, and thought that someone had to made a big joke..............
Because around us in every way, there was this open flat landscape. All we could see was a big river.

And then we looked closer.....

We saw some "steam" coming out of the ground. That we had to check closer......(can you see it)
and then we saw it......

This majestic waterfall running into a huge crack in the ground, it was absolutely not what we where expecting...

There is a walking path all the way down too the waterfall.....taking pictures is difficult in some areas since the water is spraying your camera down in the matter of seconds. So you to have to expect too get wet to.....But it`s all worth it....

søndag 4. november 2012

Geysir Stokkir, Iceland 2012

There are so many things I wanted to see in Iceland, and I have too say the Geysir was not my first choice. I have seen so many pictures of it, that it felt like I had already been there. Even that I have never set my foot in Iceland before.
So what could bee so exiting about water exploding into the air............

Well I`ll tell you ..............

The first that meets you is the stunning road, just a few cars and stunning landscape on both sides. It feels like you are in the middle of nowhere.
You know you are almost there when you see the steem from the hot water...

When you arrive on one side of the road you see one single shop and cafe, and on the other side is a river of hot water. With a warning sign, that says the water is 80-100 degrees hot.

As you walk up to the Geysir you see that the place has soo much more than just the geysir. There are a lot of small ponds that is boiling with hot water....It is the beutiful and untamed nature that sorrounds it.......and the best of all. The Iceland hasn`t tried too tame it....
In many countries the most interresting and amazing places has been overexposed, but not here. It is just one single shop/cafe in the middle of nowhere.

And then we arrived too the Geysir Stokkir........and it was all worth it.......I`ll leave the next pictures too speek for themselves..... :-)